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close up - 17.11.2010
i'm not a lumberjack, but i am ok - 05.11.2010
tittewagen - 04.11.2010
bow chika wa wa - 26.10.2010
pointless quaver moaning - 13.10.2010

18.05.2004 - 2:33 p.m.


and furthermore,

Bigupya badselves.

It's been a while since I were here last and it looks like everything is where I left it, except for the pile of newspapers which has grown out of the letterbox and down the hall, hmmmmmm, firehazard or indicator to thieves I'm not home ? so many choices, sooo many choices.

I'm still working ( although I no longer give any quarter to anyone taking the piss ) even though I don't want to be here, there's a door in sight at the end of august, I can even see the daylight streaming in through the keyhole but I have to wade through three more months of *wurk* before I can grab at the handle of freedom and propel myself into the sunlight, laughing and skipping across the fields of higher education. I could handle my job as it stands for the next few months but now one of my co-pilots has been signed off for 2 weeks sick because she's pregnant, this does not bode well for me as I now carry her work too.

She may well have "morning sickness" but I think it's more a case of a) she hates working b) she's been looking for a way out for ages c) this was just one option amongst many. I only hope she hands her notice in rather than trying to milk more sick time for the rest of the summer ( if you're reading this, take the hint ) because I'm not working to impress any more, and this company can go fuck itself.

On the up-side there was a rare alignment of peoples last weekend so we all went clubbing to celebrate, hurrah. We all piled into 414 ( again ) and munched until it all looked weird and then danced until it all felt better, here's the ( small and slightly fuzzy ) view from my right eye 3am saturday morning, the fuzzyness could be due to the tinyness of the camera on my phone but I remember everything looking fuzzy about that time so who knows...

For some reason that still escapes me we left just after 4am and went back to a friends flat whereby we promptly woke the neighbours by playing loud music until it was daylight ( I'm glad I don't live there ) and eventually came home. Myself and No.11 munched more and I then mixed for the next 3 hours to an audience of casualties ( i knew they weren't dead 'cos their toes were twitching to the music ) The rest of saturday was spent smoking myself straight and sunday was mostly spent on a swing-bench thing under a tree at J's parents, listening to and reviewing old tapes of past mixes, here's the view from the end of my nose 3pm sunday afternoon...

So now I'm back at work and talking funny, like i've got a golf ball in my mouth ( I took a chunk out of my tongue some time saturday and it's decided to hurt until it's better, i know it's my own fault so don't bother to point that out) and that's it for another undecided period of earthly rotations, It's looking highly unlikely I'll get to do it again until early july but after that Monsieur H is back in the country and we have made plans..... oh yes, plans they are indeed.........

So if you trip over a couple of ex-human beings lying unceremoniously all over brixton, trying to scoop the remains of their brains back into their skulls second weekend of july have pity, or at the very least offer them your leftover drugs, it might help.....

might help.......

help, hmmmmmmmm....

after much consideration ( alright then, some consideration ) the inhabitants of Svens brain have decided that it will help, all donations will be greatfully received.

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