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close up - 17.11.2010
i'm not a lumberjack, but i am ok - 05.11.2010
tittewagen - 04.11.2010
bow chika wa wa - 26.10.2010
pointless quaver moaning - 13.10.2010

15.01.2010 - 12:09 p.m.

This made me laugh so hard i nearly coughed up my breakfast.

I'm torn between two thoughts, on the one hand i really want to believe that this reccomendation has arisn naturally through natural buying patterns (of catholic priests) and the amazon page is a telling reflection of real world trends, on the other hand i'm very cynical and reccomendation lists can be manipulated by 'bots and stuff, or maybe just by someone working at Amazon who spent time in a catholic childrens home who wants to make a point, either way i laughed a little bit.

The snow is now melting and england will once again become damp instead of white and crunchy, i like white and crunchy, everything looks so fresh and clean, and there's the added bonus of car based wobbly powerslide hand-brake shenanigans, i daren't carry out a handbrake turn in the dry in case the rear wheels fall off (which is a real possibility). The inevitable downside of crunchy freshness are the throngs of fuckwits who never travel over 10mph and panic at the sight of a hill, or falling snow. To them i probably looked like a maniac, driving in the lane which wasn't cleared of snow at speeds in excess of 30mph, some kind of deathwish danger man. But i come armed with knowledge about momentum and some rudimentary physics, i can say with authority that it's safe to travel at 40mph on snow, you only get problems when you try to steer or stop, so leave plenty of space and make your turns early, retards.

As i was leaving work yesterday i was behind someone also leaving the carpark and waiting to turn onto the main road, she predictably had her foglight on because there was no fog, this light was so bright i had to put my hand in front of my eyes, and then i could feel the heat on my hand. I suspect this light would serve more purpose mounted on the front of her car where by it could evaporate the fog through thermal radiation emitted.

Historical revisionism is very 'in' these days, why bother to try and reconcile your own pervertwisted view of the world with historical facts when you can get the books teaching history changed to match what you already think. Texas is about to embark on a massive protracted bout of making amerikkka more christian by lying to children in the years to come, in the piece quoted it amuses me greatly that they indict the Left as historical revisionists when it's clear to anyone watching that it's only the conservatives who want to re-write the books, this duality i find the strangest aspect of being a devout evangelical wing-nut. In the meanwhile conservative groups are doing their level best to reinterpret history to make them look like the desired outcome of the founding fathers rather than a cultish splinter group vying for ever more power. Everytime you meet one of these tea-partying racists or just white dominionists in general, they demand that you accept that the USA was founded as a white christian nation, when in fact it appears that it was founded as a place free from religion, except the explicit historical statements backing this up weren't explicit enough, so now we have rabid bible thumping cockgobblers making stuff up and demanding we accept it as verbatim.

Here's a recent quote from a Right dick, quote mining seems an overly used tactic when shoring up shakey foundations of weak arguments, don't these people ever learn from stories about building houses on sand etc etc, and especially when it's so easy to prove them wrong, it's like a small child who accepts abuse because at least someone is paying them attention, be it good or bad. And if that wasn't enough, here's some unambiguous information, again claiming that the US was not set up as a christian nation. I'm left wondering if these people knowingly disregard this information because it doesn't agree with their views or whether they think it's yet more lies perpetrated by evil libruls because their pastor would never lie to them because he's so close to god (he has a private jet).

All in all it looks very much like modern christian conservatism is just a badly disguised way of controlling people like they used to do in the old days, keeping them poor and stupid, its like a voluntary slavery programme. There has been some ad hoc analysis on census data which indicates that those who shout loudest about morality are the least likely to uphold it. This seems clear that this whole christian nation thing is just a way of the ruling bastards to maintain their powerbase and excessively comfortable lives while claiming they're working gods work, more sickeningly transparent bullshit is pretty hard to find outside of the vatican.

Either way we're (sorry, you're) probably screwed, i hope i live long enough to see how this plays out between now and about 2050, my personal view is that the little white paranoid minority will get their three wishes and start enacting wildly unpopular acts via the back door of the Senate against people who aren't white and subsequently end up with another civil war against anyone on the continent who isn't them. It's happened before and there's enough crazy sloshing about to do it again.

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